Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Things You Should Bring to College

We are heading (and in many cases already) into the "Back-to-School"season. If you or someone you know is heading to college, make sure they bring the following items with them. These are listed in no special order.

1. Power adapters
2. Ear plugs
3. Flip flops
4. Shower supplies
5. Hammer
6. Duct tape
7. Stapler
8. Door hangers
9. Screwdriver
10. Storage containers
11. Vitamins
12. Pliers
13. Extra sheets
14. Air fresheners
15. Microwave
16. USB Flash Drive
17. Bottle Opener

Of course there are many other things that are necessary although our list really targets the overlooked things that most college students need but don't have.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the pillow!

Bodhost said...

ipod and notebook is essential too