Many of us recognize the power of Google when it comes to the success of your web site. This is not to say you cannot become successful without having any presence on Google, but at the same time if you are ranking highly for your related keywords on Google there is a good chance your site is doing very well. In order to get listed in Google's index and make sure your site is recognized by the popular search engine you should probably start by adding your url to Google. By adding your url to Google you are not guaranteed to be listed in the search engine's index although it is a good start and a safe method. If you are considering using a search engine optimization company in order to help you rank higher on search engines like Google, you must be very careful. In some cases some search engine optimization firms can actually hurt your web site more than actually help you.
When submitting your web site url to Google via the Google web site, you do not need to submit each url of your site separately. Rather all you have to do is provide Google with your top-level page and the Google's spider, GoogleBot, will take care of the rest. If you are already listed in Google's index, adding your url to Google may not have as much value.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wii Fit Released in Japan Today
The holiday season has grown to become a very popular time to buy the hottest video gaming systems on the market. Currently people all over the world are loving Sony's PlayStation3, Microsoft's Xbox360 and Nintendo's Wii.
If you are into video games, particularly the Nintendo Wii, you may have already heard of Wii Fit. The Wii Fit is a wireless balance board that is made to be used with your Nintendo Wii. The Wii Fit should be a wonderful hit, it has dual sensors that can detect your weight and balance on each side as you exercise while enjoying your Nintendo Wii. The Wii Fit is actually scheduled for sale on December 1st in Japan, although it seems like it has been released a bit early. Sorry America, the Wii Fit won't be available to us until early 2008 (most likely).
Holiday Web Hosting Sale Ending Very Soon
The extremely popular sale of our Business Pro web hosting solution, which is priced at only $4.95 per month, is set to end today. If you are yet to take advantage of the great opportunity to purchase IPOWERWEB web hosting at a discounted rate, do it. IPOWERWEB is one of the world's largest web hosting providers and our Business Pro web hosting solution has been rated as the #1 web hosting solution worldwide by many top Internet web hosting review web sites.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
3.3 Cell Phone Subscriptions Worldwide
According to a recent study there are 3.3 billion mobile phone accounts throughout the world. This is quite significant especially when you consider that there are approximately 6.6 billion people in the world (as of July 2007). Of course there are some people with multiple cellular phone subscription, this is proven by the fact that 59 countries have mobile penetration of over 100% according to the study by Informa. We could analyze this information in many ways but without a doubt these numbers are very important. Don't underestimate the value of cellular phones for your business, mobile marketing has grown and continues to rise.
If you own a web site make sure your that your entire site is mobile friendly. A great way to check this is by visiting your web site via an Internet friendly phone.
Sale Ending Soon
November 30th is tomorrow, that means that the extremely popular IPOWERWEB Holiday Web Hosting Sale is coming to an end. IPOWERWEB's Business Pro web hosting solution is already affordable at only $7.95 per month, but this special holiday sale has dropped the price of the Business Pro plan down to $4.95 per month. That's right you will be able to get all the great features and services that the Business Pro plan is known for, for a much lower price. Right now is the best time to get an IPOWERWEB Business Pro web hosting account.
If you have any questions regarding our web hosting services or need assistance in selecting the right web hosting plan, give us a call at 888-511-HOST.
If you have any questions regarding our web hosting services or need assistance in selecting the right web hosting plan, give us a call at 888-511-HOST.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Selecting a Web Host
If you are searching or have searched for web hosts, you probably know that there are MANY web hosting providers all over the Internet. This means that you have a vast selection of web hosts, which if you don't have guidance or a sense of direction - you may have a very tough time finding the right web host. Of course as a web hosting provider we say "Just host your web site with us, you will be very happy".
Every person and business is looking for different things in a web host, it is impossible for a web hosting company to fully cater to every person and/or business. You would be quite lucky finding the ideal web host in your first shot, for many people they move around from host to host for a while until they find the right provider.
At IPOWERWEB we work very hard every day to exceed the expectations of all our customers. With so many web sites and web hosting providers on the Internet, people may be confused. Selecting a web host is no easy task, here are a few things to look for when researching for a web hosting provider:
*24x7 Toll-Free Telephone Support is VERY Necessary
*30 Day Money Back Guarantee
*Large Number of Customers
*Online Help Center
*Quick Email Response Times
These are just a few necessary things to expect from a web hosting provider. If the company you are hosting your site with meets all the listed requirements, you are most likely hosting your site with a good web hosting provider. Of course, IPOWERWEB meets and exceeds all of these listed points. If you are searching for a good web hosting provider, consider IPOWERWEB - The leader in web hosting.
Every person and business is looking for different things in a web host, it is impossible for a web hosting company to fully cater to every person and/or business. You would be quite lucky finding the ideal web host in your first shot, for many people they move around from host to host for a while until they find the right provider.
At IPOWERWEB we work very hard every day to exceed the expectations of all our customers. With so many web sites and web hosting providers on the Internet, people may be confused. Selecting a web host is no easy task, here are a few things to look for when researching for a web hosting provider:
*24x7 Toll-Free Telephone Support is VERY Necessary
*30 Day Money Back Guarantee
*Large Number of Customers
*Online Help Center
*Quick Email Response Times
These are just a few necessary things to expect from a web hosting provider. If the company you are hosting your site with meets all the listed requirements, you are most likely hosting your site with a good web hosting provider. Of course, IPOWERWEB meets and exceeds all of these listed points. If you are searching for a good web hosting provider, consider IPOWERWEB - The leader in web hosting.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Flash Homepages, Don't Do It
We all know the value of first-impressions, they are extremely important. First impressions are not only vital in the "real world", they are very important over the Web as well. With the Internet being so competitive, you need your web site to outperform those of your competitors. Therefore the quality of your homepage is very important. You don't want to overlook anything when it comes to your web site, but be extra-careful with your homepage. Make sure that your homepage is the best it could possibly be.
With search engines being such significant sources of Internet traffic these days, you must make sure your web site is search engine friendly. One point to make your homepage search engine friendly is by not having your homepage made by Flash. The majority of times, Flash can actually hurt your rankings. Having Flash on your web site is similar to having photos, search engines cannot read pictures and have difficulty trusting the alternative text within the pictures. You don't want your entire homepage to consist of Flash, search engines will have a very tough time respecting and understanding your web site. You may think that Flash looks great but the costs may not be greater when compared to the benefits.
With search engines being such significant sources of Internet traffic these days, you must make sure your web site is search engine friendly. One point to make your homepage search engine friendly is by not having your homepage made by Flash. The majority of times, Flash can actually hurt your rankings. Having Flash on your web site is similar to having photos, search engines cannot read pictures and have difficulty trusting the alternative text within the pictures. You don't want your entire homepage to consist of Flash, search engines will have a very tough time respecting and understanding your web site. You may think that Flash looks great but the costs may not be greater when compared to the benefits.
Have 25 Web Sites
At IPOWERWEB we have great respect for the Internet and understand that if it were not for the many people who regularly use the Internet on a daily basis, the Internet would not be as successful. The Internet is made up of billions of web pages. If you have a business, a great idea, or wish to store information - the Internet is there to help you. You are not restricted to the amount of web sites you can have on the Internet, take advantage of this. Why have one web site when you can have 25 with IPOWERWEB. Every IPOWERWEB Business Pro package comes with many great tools to help you succeed online as well as the opportunity to host up to 25 different web sites with just one account. Yes 25 DIFFERENT web sites. So with just one IPOWERWEB hosting account purchased at $4.95 per month (for a limited time), you can host up to 25 web sites. This is a great deal, take advantage of it.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Time to Promote and Sell
The holiday shopping season has begun, this means that it is time to start working extra-hard to get the attention of online shoppers to both visit and purchase products and/or services from your web site. The holiday season is when most retailers make their "big" money and you should be a part of this as well, it is undoubtedly possible. If you own a web site and have confidence in the products or services you sell, there should be no reason why you cannot get in on the hot holiday season and increase your sales. It is true that the Internet brings about some tough competition, especially due to the fact that you are competing with companies from all over the world - although if you work hard, pay attention to detail, remain focused and inline with your business model; you will succeed. This may seem overwhelming, but if you really want to win this holiday season you will need to work. The Internet is filled with wonderful opportunities and used by many people all over the world, don't forget to think big.
Earn $365,000/Year
Most Americans don't make a tenth of $365,000 per year. Granted $365,000 per year is a large amount of money, but it is clearly possible and at IPOWERWEB we have quite a few affiliates making even more than $365,000 each year. If you have visited this blog in the past or are familiar with IPOWERWEB, you may know that we have a world-renowned web hosting Affiliate Program - where we pay all IPOWERWEB Affiliates $100 for every new web hosting account they bring to IPOWERWEB. Its a very simple program that can you make you lots of money. There are no fees or catches, our Affiliate Program is designed to make IPOWERWEB Affiliates money, lots of it.
Do you want to make any additional $365,000 per year? Hopefully all of you reading this, immediately answered YES. With the IPOWERWEB Affiliate Program making $365,000 per year is very possible. All you have to do is have 10 people purchase a new IPOWERWEB web hosting account everyday via your affiliate link. That means you can make $1000 a day and best of all, it has been done by many and continues to be done. The IPOWERWEB web hosting Affiliate Program is recognized not only within the web hosting/server industry but throughout the Affiliate industry as well. IPOWERWEB is a web hosting pioneer and innovator. We continue to grow at a rapid pace and are one of the world's largest web hosting providers. We absolutely love seeing people become successful because of the Internet. The IPOWERWEB Affiliate Program is a wonderful opportunity to make money, you should definitely consider it. Best of all there are no hidden fees, monthly minimums or any charges in general - you don't even have to host your web site with IPOWERWEB in order to be a part of our affiliate program.
Do you want to make any additional $365,000 per year? Hopefully all of you reading this, immediately answered YES. With the IPOWERWEB Affiliate Program making $365,000 per year is very possible. All you have to do is have 10 people purchase a new IPOWERWEB web hosting account everyday via your affiliate link. That means you can make $1000 a day and best of all, it has been done by many and continues to be done. The IPOWERWEB web hosting Affiliate Program is recognized not only within the web hosting/server industry but throughout the Affiliate industry as well. IPOWERWEB is a web hosting pioneer and innovator. We continue to grow at a rapid pace and are one of the world's largest web hosting providers. We absolutely love seeing people become successful because of the Internet. The IPOWERWEB Affiliate Program is a wonderful opportunity to make money, you should definitely consider it. Best of all there are no hidden fees, monthly minimums or any charges in general - you don't even have to host your web site with IPOWERWEB in order to be a part of our affiliate program.
Happy Black Friday
The day following Thanksgiving, known as Black Friday, is an extremely popular shopping day where many people begin their holiday season shopping. Many retailers offer wonderful deals on Black Friday - making today a wonderful day to go shopping. Enjoy and remember that IPOWERWEB web hosting is also on sale for a limited time.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tired, Don't Blame The Turkey
We are sure many people have become "sleepy" after having turkey on Thanksgiving. It is generally believed that the turkey is the reason for being tired. Some of this belief may be true, although there can be many reasons for why we are tired on Thanksgiving. The amino acid L-tryptophan is commonly believed to put us to sleep, but according to some researchers L-tryptophan has a significant sleepy affect when it is processed on any empty-stomach with no other protein. L-tryptophan is found in other foods such as eggs, milk, bananas and yogurt; yet we don't find too many people claiming to be tired after eating such foods. Therefore being tired after your Thanksgiving meal may not be solely due to the turkey, rather it may be due to a number of reasons, such as eating too much, drinking alcohol, and/or being bored at the table.
Happy Thanksgiving
Today is the fourth Tuesday of November. This means that it is Thanksgiving Day. We at IPOWERWEB would like to wish you and all your loved ones a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy the holiday and don't forget to give thanks for everything you have been blessed with. We are one day away from Black Friday....
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The IPOWERWEB Hosting Sale Continues
Don't Forget..The IPOWERWEB Business Pro web hosting solution, the world's most popular web hosting plan, is currently on sale for only $4.95 per month. If you are thinking of getting a new web hosting plan, right now is the perfect time. Rather than paying the already affordable regular price of $7.95 per month - everyone in the world can now purchase IPOWERWEB web hosting for only $4.95 per month. Don't hesitate, the IPOWERWEB holiday web hosting sale is set to expire on November 30th. Make sure to tell everyone you know about this wonderful offer, for every three new web hosting accounts you refer to IPOWERWEB, we will provide you with one free web hosting account. Yes our Referral Program is that simple. All you need to do is just recommend three people to IPOWERWEB. If you wish to learn more about our web hosting plans and Affiliate Program, give us a call at 8885114678.
Busy Traveling Day
Today is a very busy traveling day because people are moving all over the place in preparation for the Thanksgiving holiday. We at IPOWERWEB would like to wish you a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. If you will be traveling, make sure to be prepared for delays - particularly if you will be flying. Most airports will be extremely busy.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Add Your Website to Google
Many of us recognize the power of Google when it comes to the success of your web site. This is not to say you cannot become successful without having any presence on Google, but at the same time if you are ranking highly for your related keywords on Google there is a good chance your site is doing very well. In order to get listed in Google's index and make sure your site is recognized by the popular search engine you should probably start by adding your url to Google. By adding your url to Google you are not guaranteed to be listed in the search engine's index although it is a good start and a safe method. If you are considering using a search engine optimization company in order to help you rank higher on search engines like Google, you must be very careful. In some cases some search engine optimization firms can actually hurt your web site more than actually help you.
When submitting your web site url to Google via the Google web site, you do not need to submit each url of your site separately. Rather all you have to do is provide Google with your top-level page and the Google's spider, GoogleBot, will take care of the rest. If you are already listed in Google's index, adding your url to Google may not have as much value.
Add Your Website to Google
Many of us recognize the power of Google when it comes to the success of your web site. This is not to say you cannot become successful without having any presence on Google, but at the same time if you are ranking highly for your related keywords on Google there is a good chance your site is doing very well. In order to get listed in Google's index and make sure your site is recognized by the popular search engine you should probably start by adding your url to Google. By adding your url to Google you are not guaranteed to be listed in the search engine's index although it is a good start and a safe method. If you are considering using a search engine optimization company in order to help you rank higher on search engines like Google, you must be very careful. In some cases some search engine optimization firms can actually hurt your web site more than actually help you.
When submitting your web site url to Google via the Google web site, you do not need to submit each url of your site separately. Rather all you have to do is provide Google with your top-level page and the Google's spider, GoogleBot, will take care of the rest. If you are already listed in Google's index, adding your url to Google may not have as much value.
Searching the Web
Search engines like Google have significantly simplified our lives. No longer do we have to go through web sites and spend a great amount of time to find the pages we are looking for across the Web. The Internet is huge, search engines try to make it smaller – by providing you with related results for any queries. If you are in need of a specific web page or want guidance for virtually anything, utilize search engines. Google is the most popular search engine, although there are many others that provide different and sometimes better results. The quality of a search engine is based on personal preference, you should attempt to utilize multiple search engines when searching the Internet for a certain page or information. Other popular search engines are MSN, Yahoo and Ask. All three search engines use different algorithms from that of Google’s and are all independent of one another. Therefore you should rarely find a search where the results are exactly the same across all four search engines.
Google Wins, Again
Google was the most popular search engine in the world for October 2007. This is not new information; Google has dominated the search engine industry for years. This means that if you are using a search engine, you are most likely using Google. If you own a web site and are always looking for ways to increase traffic, don’t forget or underestimate the value of Google. Having a strong position on Google for your related keywords is a wonderful way to increase exposure and traffic to your web site.
For the month of October 2007 over 64% of searches were performed by Google. The search engines that followed Google in ranking were Yahoo, MSN, and Ask with numbers at 21.65%, 7.42%, and 4.76%, respectively.
For the month of October 2007 over 64% of searches were performed by Google. The search engines that followed Google in ranking were Yahoo, MSN, and Ask with numbers at 21.65%, 7.42%, and 4.76%, respectively.
Holiday Web Hosting Sale
Thanksgiving is arriving and it is time to start thinking about holiday gifts. At IPOWERWEB we understand that the holiday season is not the best time for your bank account, that is why we have lowered the price of our popular Business Pro plan to $4.95 per month. IPOWERWEB web hosting is on sale and this special is set to end on November 30th, so if you or someone you know needs a web hosting account – get an IPOWERWEB web hosting account now. Even though our most famous web hosting plan is on sale, we continue to provide the best support and service and the entire web hosting industry.
An IPOWERWEB web hosting account is a wonderful holiday gift that can truly benefit the recipient. With an IPOWERWEB web hosting account you can put all your business ideas into action and start an e-commerce website, or you could post photos of yourself and others. The possibilities with an IPOWERWEB hosting account are limitless, make sure to take advantage of all the opportunities available. Remember the $4.95 sale will not last for long.
An IPOWERWEB web hosting account is a wonderful holiday gift that can truly benefit the recipient. With an IPOWERWEB web hosting account you can put all your business ideas into action and start an e-commerce website, or you could post photos of yourself and others. The possibilities with an IPOWERWEB hosting account are limitless, make sure to take advantage of all the opportunities available. Remember the $4.95 sale will not last for long.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Holiday Gifts
Believe it or not, the holidays are here. This coming Thursday will be Thanksgiving, which means that other than worrying about eating Turkey and sleeping you will most likely need to start thinking about holiday gifts - especially if you have not done so already. Holiday gift giving is not an easy task, it typically takes time, money, and our lists are quite extensive. Most of us have many people we need to think of when we go shopping for gifts, which probably makes the task of gift giving a bit harder. At IPOWERWEB we understand the tradition and importance of gift giving during each holiday season.
As we are talking about gifts, we would like to help you out. You should definitely consider an IPOWERWEB as a holiday gift. With the new year coming up and many people looking to make new years resolutions, many people will surely have something Internet related in their resolutions. Is there a better way to help the people close to you by assisting them in their new years resolution? Probably Not....Starting a web site is a wonderful thing. Many people have amazing ideas that can truly transform the Internet, but fail to put their thoughts into action. At IPOWERWEB we wish to change that and help you make the Internet grow and evolve. If you are considering a holiday gift for a loved one, the IPOWERWEB Business Pro web hosting plan is the right choice. The Business Pro plan has all the tools you need to get started on the web and make your site a success.
We at IPOWERWEB wish you and all your loved ones a wonderful, safe, and healthy holiday season. Remember - if you ever have any web hosting related questions, we are available 24x7, even during the holidays. 888-511-HOST (4678).
As we are talking about gifts, we would like to help you out. You should definitely consider an IPOWERWEB as a holiday gift. With the new year coming up and many people looking to make new years resolutions, many people will surely have something Internet related in their resolutions. Is there a better way to help the people close to you by assisting them in their new years resolution? Probably Not....Starting a web site is a wonderful thing. Many people have amazing ideas that can truly transform the Internet, but fail to put their thoughts into action. At IPOWERWEB we wish to change that and help you make the Internet grow and evolve. If you are considering a holiday gift for a loved one, the IPOWERWEB Business Pro web hosting plan is the right choice. The Business Pro plan has all the tools you need to get started on the web and make your site a success.
We at IPOWERWEB wish you and all your loved ones a wonderful, safe, and healthy holiday season. Remember - if you ever have any web hosting related questions, we are available 24x7, even during the holidays. 888-511-HOST (4678).
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Long Tail
Everyone in the world expects different things when they purchase a web hosting plan. This is not only restricted to web hosting though, people are not all the same. We watch different television shows, listen to different music, wear different clothes, the list goes on and on. Today, people are very luck for they have a greater choice. For some it may be stressful, but in the age of globalization where local markets are not as significant and people's options or not only limited locally, we can have our needs and wants accommodated by people and business all over the world.
An example of this is, more people watched videos on YouTube last week than the top ten shows on network television. Choices and the long tail have been in existence forever, but now it matters.
When you look at your super markets beverage aisle, you no longer just see Coca-Cola because it is the most popular soft drink in the world. Now the most popular soft drink is "other". There are so many different types of beverages that there is no single super-power drink, instead people have many choices and utilize this. Online shopping is great because business can now carry many more products than the typical retail store. To prove this, look at and compare it to your local Barnes and Noble. You will surely find the inventory of trumps that of Barnes and Noble. Don't underestimate the importance of the long tail.
An example of this is, more people watched videos on YouTube last week than the top ten shows on network television. Choices and the long tail have been in existence forever, but now it matters.
When you look at your super markets beverage aisle, you no longer just see Coca-Cola because it is the most popular soft drink in the world. Now the most popular soft drink is "other". There are so many different types of beverages that there is no single super-power drink, instead people have many choices and utilize this. Online shopping is great because business can now carry many more products than the typical retail store. To prove this, look at and compare it to your local Barnes and Noble. You will surely find the inventory of trumps that of Barnes and Noble. Don't underestimate the importance of the long tail.

Monday, November 12, 2007
Valuable Content
Bringing high-quality traffic to your web site is not an easy task, at all. If you own a web site you probably already know this, simply having a web site does not mean that people are going to come to your site and you will be the next Google. It's difficult for many people to believe, but the best way to have a successful web site is by providing users with an experience they cannot receive anywhere else on the Internet. It is easier said than done, the Internet is very large and growing at an extremely rapid pace. It's your job to differentiate your site from the rest of the competition and make your web site stand out and be a place that will bring users back on a regular basis. A key element in having a successful web site that is different from the rest, is by providing your users with valuable content that is unique to your web site, meaning content that cannot be found anywhere else on the Internet. Of course there are exceptions to this statement, although for the majority of web sites this holds true. Valuable content is the key to a successful web site. By having valuable content that is fresh and regularly updated, people will continuously visit your web site and they will tell other people to visit your site as well. Your users will become your promoters and help you significantly increase your traffic.
So if you own a web site or are considering starting a web site, make sure to have the development of high-quality content as a priority. By producing valuable content other web site owners may decide to directly link to your web site which may assist in your search engine rankings. Never look at the importance of quality content from just one side, there are many benefits to having high-quality content, the benefits are endless.
So if you own a web site or are considering starting a web site, make sure to have the development of high-quality content as a priority. By producing valuable content other web site owners may decide to directly link to your web site which may assist in your search engine rankings. Never look at the importance of quality content from just one side, there are many benefits to having high-quality content, the benefits are endless.
Veterans Day
We at IPOWERWEB would like to honor all military veterans. There are about 25 million military veterans in the United States. November 11 (or the nearest weekday) is recognized in many other countries as well, not only America, as the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. Have a wonderful and safe Veterans Day.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Ways to Promote Your Web Site for FREE
Once you have registered your domain name, purchased your web hosting account, and designed your web site you will most likely begin considering ways to bring traffic to your web site. Telling all the people you know would be a great way to start, but you must remember - the Internet is worldwide and you have the ability to reach people anywhere in the world, take advantage of it. Don't just think regionally, think globally. The following is a useful list of free ways to promote your web site and increase traffic:
*Utilize social media web sites (like MySpace, Facebook, Digg, Reddit)
*Comment on blogs (particularly blogs related to your industry)
*Submit your site to web directories
*Run a contest
*Online groups (Google and Yahoo Groups)
*Free Classified Ads (Craigslist)
*Photo sharing (Flickr, Photobucket, Shutterfly)
*Get interviewed
These are just a few ways to get your name out there. You don't necessarily have to spend thousands of dollars to successfully promote your web site, be unique and work hard.
*Utilize social media web sites (like MySpace, Facebook, Digg, Reddit)
*Comment on blogs (particularly blogs related to your industry)
*Submit your site to web directories
*Run a contest
*Online groups (Google and Yahoo Groups)
*Free Classified Ads (Craigslist)
*Photo sharing (Flickr, Photobucket, Shutterfly)
*Get interviewed
These are just a few ways to get your name out there. You don't necessarily have to spend thousands of dollars to successfully promote your web site, be unique and work hard.
IPOWERWEB User Reviews
At IPOWERWEB we currently host over 700,000 web sites and we are growing at a rapid pace every single day (including weekends). Our web hosting users are located all over the world and speak many different languages. We host all kinds of web sites from personal sites, family photo web sites, businesses, review sites, you name it. We take great pride in knowing that so many people trust when it comes to web hosting and we never forget the importance of every single web site we host. For many people their web site has become their source of income, which means if their web site is down - they will not be making money. We understand this and therefore strive to provide every single web site we host with an uptime of 99.99%.
We love receiving user reviews from our web hosting customers. If you have any story, review, or information you would like to share with us about your experience with IPOWERWEB - please email us at
You never know, the email that you send us may be placed on our reviews and testimonials page on our web site.
We love receiving user reviews from our web hosting customers. If you have any story, review, or information you would like to share with us about your experience with IPOWERWEB - please email us at
You never know, the email that you send us may be placed on our reviews and testimonials page on our web site.
10,000 German iPhones in Day 1
T-Mobile has reported that 10,000 iPhone's were sold in the first day the iPhone was released in Germany. This includes sales via retail store purchases and over the Internet. Sales will most likely continue to rise during the upcoming holiday season.
Friday, November 9, 2007
SEO Myth: Time Spent on Web Site Matters
We enjoy providing our readers with useful information, regardless if you are an IPOWERWEB hosting user or not. If you are optimizing your web site in order to increase your search engine rankings, you have probably read many articles across the Web and have spoken to people who feel they know what it takes to get to that #1 position on Google, MSN and Yahoo.
One common misconception in terms of search engine optimization and the quality of your web site is regarding the time spent on your web site by users. What we mean is this, do search engines take into account the amount of time a user spends on your web site? The answer (for the major search engines) is NO. Time has nothing to do with your search engine placement.
If we don't make sense, check out this example.
Site A and Site B are exactly the same in the eyes of a search engine. Everything from beginning to end is the same, although Site A users tend to spend 4 minutes on the homepage per visit while Site B users tend spend an average of 1 minute per visit.
Would a search engine think Site A is better because people spend more time on it? NO
Would a search engine think Site B is better because people are retrieving information more efficiently? NO
The length of user visits is not a factor used by the search engines in order to calculate the value of your web site. Therefore don't worry about the amount of time most users spend on your web site. Instead make sure that you are providing your visitors with valuable information that they can't receive anywhere else.
One common misconception in terms of search engine optimization and the quality of your web site is regarding the time spent on your web site by users. What we mean is this, do search engines take into account the amount of time a user spends on your web site? The answer (for the major search engines) is NO. Time has nothing to do with your search engine placement.
If we don't make sense, check out this example.
Site A and Site B are exactly the same in the eyes of a search engine. Everything from beginning to end is the same, although Site A users tend to spend 4 minutes on the homepage per visit while Site B users tend spend an average of 1 minute per visit.
Would a search engine think Site A is better because people spend more time on it? NO
Would a search engine think Site B is better because people are retrieving information more efficiently? NO
The length of user visits is not a factor used by the search engines in order to calculate the value of your web site. Therefore don't worry about the amount of time most users spend on your web site. Instead make sure that you are providing your visitors with valuable information that they can't receive anywhere else.
German iPhone Released
Apple's hot cellular phone/internet device/mp3 player was released in Germany today. Up until today, the iPhone was strictly available to AT&T users residing in America. This is no longer the case. The iPhone is now available in both Germany and the UK, every iPhone comes with a docking station, Apple sticker, power pack, USB cable, and of course the iPhone. Europe may have experience with the Samsung F700, although the impact of the iPhone is expected to be much greater and will surely help Apple's revenues and sales.
iPhone Now Available in the UK
If you live in the United Kingdom and are an Apple lover, you are probably aware that the iPhone was released today and will be available for service throughout the UK with the cellular phone provider O2. The wait has ended and this means that you can now experience the phone that has many people in the United States going crazy over.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Key For Successful Growth
At IPOWERWEB we are currently hosting over 700,000 web sites and our users come from all over the world. We take great pride in being one of the world's largest web hosting providers as well as one of the world's fastest growing web hosts. If you or someone you know is looking for an affordable and reliable web hosting provider, make sure IPOWERWEB is considered. Every day hundreds of people purchase a new web hosting account with IPOWERWEB. We host websites for beginners to the Web as well as for individuals/organizations that are advanced and have great Internet experience. But our users don't only consist of new web hosting accounts, meaning web sites that are new to the Internet and have never been hosted by another company before. Rather, on a daily basis hundreds of people transfer their websites from their existing web hosting provider to IPOWERWEB. The transfer process may seem like a difficult task, but at IPOWERWEB we do our best to make sure it is as simple as possible.
Successful companies don't excel in just one aspect of their business, for example sales. Instead successful companies or those which excel at almost every aspect of their business. So if you think you are great at customer support, that's great and keep it up but at the same time don't underestimate the value of management, marketing, business development, etc. No company is perfect, it takes a great deal of time and effort to make your business succeed and to sustain it. Although an essential key for successful growth is hard work.
Successful companies don't excel in just one aspect of their business, for example sales. Instead successful companies or those which excel at almost every aspect of their business. So if you think you are great at customer support, that's great and keep it up but at the same time don't underestimate the value of management, marketing, business development, etc. No company is perfect, it takes a great deal of time and effort to make your business succeed and to sustain it. Although an essential key for successful growth is hard work.
Three Points for Business Success
This will apply more for small businesses rather than large corporations. The following three tips are some points to be aware of and always consider when managing your own small business.
* Have the ability to abandon a plan when it doesn't work,
* Have the confidence to do the right thing even when it costs you money in the short term
* Have enough belief in other people that you don't try to do everything yourself (Teamwork)
* Have the ability to abandon a plan when it doesn't work,
* Have the confidence to do the right thing even when it costs you money in the short term
* Have enough belief in other people that you don't try to do everything yourself (Teamwork)
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Google Maps at Gas Pumps
If you have ever driven or even been a car, you have most likely been lost at least once. We sometimes think we know where we are going but for some reason cannot find our desired location, therefore we either call someone who knows or use a map. Google recently announced that they are going to help people that have faced this problem, by providing Google Maps at gas pumps. Google has partnered with Gilbarco Veeder-Root to offer Google Maps on gas pumps. You will be able to find and event print directions to local landmarks, hotels, banks, restaurants and more. This means that you will no longer need to call people for directions or even admit that you are lost.
Switching Web Hosting Providers
Everyday hundreds of people transfer their web sites to IPOWERWEB. We not only welcome people new to web hosting and the Internet, rather a majority of our users are transfer users from other web hosting providers. Initially you may feel that transferring your web site from your current host to a new hosting provider may not seem like an easy task, although at IPOWERWEB we do our best to make sure that the transfer process is simple and efficient. If you wish to learn more about how to transfer your current web site to IPOWERWEB, please give us a call at 888-511-HOST or visit our homepage.
When transferring your web site to IPOWERWEB from your existing web hosting provider, please consider the following points in order to make the process as easy as possible.
1. Find the IPOWERWEB web hosting account that is right for you and purchase it. Do not cancel your existing web hosting account with your current provider just yet.
2. Once your IPOWERWEB hosting account has been setup, move the content from your current site to your new IPOWERWEB hosting account. If you have any questions regarding the entire process, don't forget to contact us.
3. Once you have transferred your files and your web hosting account with IPOWERWEB is up and running, update your DNS's A-record information to point to the new server.
4. After your web site is properly running on your IPOWERWEB's hosting server, you may cancel your web hosting account with your previous web host.
Please remember to contact us if you ever have any questions regarding the transfer process or your web hosting account in general.
When transferring your web site to IPOWERWEB from your existing web hosting provider, please consider the following points in order to make the process as easy as possible.
1. Find the IPOWERWEB web hosting account that is right for you and purchase it. Do not cancel your existing web hosting account with your current provider just yet.
2. Once your IPOWERWEB hosting account has been setup, move the content from your current site to your new IPOWERWEB hosting account. If you have any questions regarding the entire process, don't forget to contact us.
3. Once you have transferred your files and your web hosting account with IPOWERWEB is up and running, update your DNS's A-record information to point to the new server.
4. After your web site is properly running on your IPOWERWEB's hosting server, you may cancel your web hosting account with your previous web host.
Please remember to contact us if you ever have any questions regarding the transfer process or your web hosting account in general.
MSN Live Search
The majority of Internet users use Google's search engine in order to retrieve pages from all over the Internet. Although Google continues to be the most popular search engine, you should not underestimate the value of other search engines on the Internet. An example of another search engine, is Microsoft's Live search engine. Google should provide you with useful results for your queries, although if for some reason you are not satisfied with the quality of results or wish to get a "second-opinion" from a search engine, try the Live search engine.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
iPhone in the UK
It's official, the iPhone will be going on sale this Friday in the United Kingdom. So for everyone that has been anticipating the release of the phone in the UK, the wait is almost over. At 6:02 p.m. this Friday, the iPhone will be for sale at O2 and Apple stores. Unlike the agreement in the United States where the iPhone is provided exclusively by AT&T, the UK iPhone will be supported by O2.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Global Data Plan For iPhone
Are you an iPhone user who has had issues with the data plan when traveling internationally? The reason you were not receiving service in a foreign country was not because there was/is an issue with your phone, rather it was most likely due to the fact that your iPhone did/does not have an international data plan. This should no longer be the case though, if you have an iPhone and wish to receive your emails when you travel to a foreign country - you may be able to do so. All you need to do is add the Data Global Plan and you could have your iPhone working in many countries other than your home country.
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