Saturday, November 24, 2007

Flash Homepages, Don't Do It

We all know the value of first-impressions, they are extremely important. First impressions are not only vital in the "real world", they are very important over the Web as well. With the Internet being so competitive, you need your web site to outperform those of your competitors. Therefore the quality of your homepage is very important. You don't want to overlook anything when it comes to your web site, but be extra-careful with your homepage. Make sure that your homepage is the best it could possibly be.
With search engines being such significant sources of Internet traffic these days, you must make sure your web site is search engine friendly. One point to make your homepage search engine friendly is by not having your homepage made by Flash. The majority of times, Flash can actually hurt your rankings. Having Flash on your web site is similar to having photos, search engines cannot read pictures and have difficulty trusting the alternative text within the pictures. You don't want your entire homepage to consist of Flash, search engines will have a very tough time respecting and understanding your web site. You may think that Flash looks great but the costs may not be greater when compared to the benefits.


Anonymous said...

this is an active blog, you guys do a decent job hosting my site - even better job writing

Anonymous said...

SEO is becoming so important these days. FLASH IS SO BAD FOR SEO. I really like the way it looks though, I absolutely love flash - but I don't use it for my site, especially because it is not good for the search engines.
Having a search engine friendly web site is vital, flash does not help. great post