Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Step 3 in Getting Started

Hopefully you have read and understand the first two steps related to getting your iPowerWeb account live and ready for the internet. The first two steps should be enough to provide you with a basic understanding of how to start your website, although if you still have questions feel free to contact us or visit our help center.
We offer many ways to get assistance. The best ways are through our online knowledge base and our new support center. Below is a link to the iPowerWeb support help center.

Our support center providing hundreds of tutorials with screenshots:
Support Center

Congratulations, we have now completed a three step basic understanding of getting your new iPowerWeb hosting account up and running! Remember, technical support for your hosting account is available 24/7.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your help center it has helped me out a lot. I am a total newbie and sometimes feel lost - thanks.